Only the truly brave are able to recognize their misjudgments, learn from them, forgive themselves and continue on with their journey – whole – without leaving a  piece of themselves behind – without paying the price of regret.

Regret is an easy emotion to embrace.  Costly, but easy.  It serves to keep you rooted in the past, attached to a moment that has come and gone.  It maintains the familiar, regardless of how uncomfortable, painful or damaging it may be.

But Forgiveness – Forgiveness takes courage because it moves you beyond what is known to you, beyond what is familiar to you. Forgiveness releases – allows – heals.  It serves you in the present and frees you from emotions, thoughts and connections that are keeping you tethered to the past, be it 5 years ago, 5 days ago or 5 minutes ago.

Regret holds on, and keeps you in one place.  Forgiveness releases, and allows you to move forward.

Are you feeling brave today Dear One?  Are you ready to let go?
